Arduino Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 Build, Code and Explanation

I'm really excited to show you my first standalone Arduino project. An HC-SR04 ultrasonic distance indicator with LED lights and a buzzer. Due to Recent changes to the YouTube partners program I will no longer be able to monetize my videos so I've come up with a few ways you…

Charging 18650 batteries with a welder! (Explosion ensues)

This is just a short joke video I made because I had some dead Lithium 18650 batteries laying around and wanted to do something spectacular with them... Mostly because I was bored :D…

DIY Metal Detector Kit, build, soldering and setup guide

Building a DIY Metal Detector Kit that I bought on AliExpress for $1.51 The only down side is that it doesn't have much of a range and is more of a novelty item than a real usable metal detector, but oh well, what do you expect for $1.51 :D…